How To Play Online Roulette – The Right Way

One of the most popular and timeless games of the casino world, roulette, is one of the easiest to play – even more so when it comes to online gaming! However, in a brick-and-mortar environment there are just too many etiquette rules to keep track of, and we’re so done with those.

Traditional Roulette

When playing in a brick-and-mortar setting, you have to consider those around you. You shouldn’t annoy others by getting carried away with the excitement, and even eating and drinking are prohibited. That’s no way to enjoy a game! That’s why we very much prefer the modern, online way.

Moreover, some casinos and various types of roulette have special dressing codes that you must follow. The style of the players generally reflects the formal style of the game, where politeness and eloquence are given great importance. Conducting yourself appropriately and dressing up is assumed to be one of the most vital aspects of a brick-and-mortar roulette game.

Lastly, the main difference between an online roulette game and one in a physical setting is the presence of the croupier. In an online game the game is monitored by the software itself, whereas on the other hand it is the croupier that has authority. In a brick-and-mortar game, you have to respect the croupier. But, lucky for us, smartphones and laptops don’t have feelings.

Learn To Play Roulette With Video Tutorials

It’s time to learn a new skill. Watch our short series of videos and master the roulette wheel in less than five minutes.

Rules Of Online Roulette

We’ve been stressing that the attraction of online roulette games is that the game is played in as relaxed a setting as you want. Rules on etiquette certainly don’t apply here, however the usual rules of roulette gameplay need to be followed, for example once ‘no more bets’ is announced, then you can no longer place chips onto the board. This is a universal rule for any form of roulette.

Additionally, live casinos are becoming increasingly popular, and roulette in this capacity is well-established here. What you have to consider when playing in this scenario is that the dealer cannot always see you, though you can see him or her. So, when messaging on chat, make sure that you are not rude or inappropriate. Also, make sure that the chat messages are about the game itself… if you catch our drift!

Avoiding Disaster

Though physical, live, and online roulette all come along with their own set of rules, players tend to make the same mistakes about playing. We’ve decided to outline three of them here, so that you can feel more prepared when playing the game.

Firstly, do some research before playing roulette. American, European and French roulette share a lot of the rules, however the odds can vary significantly, and so make sure you know which version of roulette you’re playing.

Also, though this is more common among beginners, some players forget or omit to budget properly before playing. This can be dangerous because the fast-pace and excitement of the game can sometimes get you to overspend unwillingly. You can easily try a game for free online, so we recommend that you do that first until you get used to how roulette works.

Lastly, when playing for real money, always try to start small and choose tables that offer the lower possible bet until you gain more experience and confidence. As we mentioned before, give yourself some time to become familiar with the game.

Just Relax and Enjoy

Overall, we find online roulette can be much more relaxed and enjoyable experience, mainly because there are fewer etiquette rules to observe, if any! Once we’re not thinking about how to behave ourselves with others, we’ve got more time to think about playing strategically and having more fun.

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